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Selected Projects

UX Research & Design Internship at Silvertree

For the startup's first in-person study, we tested a new app onboarding that aims to boost product retention by helping older adults activate the product.

AgeTech, Figma Variables and Conditionals, Cross-functional Collaboration, Usability Testing 

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BookTalk: Shared Reading Experiences

Young adults want to but struggle to make more time for reading in their busy schedules. BookTalk helps people find community and meet their reading goals!

Product Research, Gap Analysis, Risk Analysis, Figma, Usability Testing, Project Management

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Ears for Peers
Chat Platform Design

Every semester, this peer support hotline receives 400 calls or texts from Tufts students in emotional crisis. Our chat platform supports both Ears and Peers better.

UI/ UX Design, Focus Groups, Project Management, Figma, Miro, Usability Testing 

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Modular Cat Condo Design Concept

An original concept for space-saving and aesthetically pleasing cat furniture for small apartments, designed for a two-week Industrial Design project at Tufts.

SketchBook, Adobe Photoshop, Blender (CAD), Interviewing, Product Research

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